Basecamp beyond Vegarredonda

We wake up into a clean sky kind of day. After a relaxed breakfast our walk to refugio Vegarredonda, the entrace to the heart of the massive, can start. First, we cross a bridge over a small river, which stops in several small ponds formed in a solid rock. With the clear water and curvy beech and oak trees all around it really invites to have a dip. As we learn later, it actually WAS a favourite bathing spot for Marquess Pedro Pidal, who popularized Picos de Europa as a treasure of nature....

July 30, 2023

The New Cardiobiology 2024: Day three notes

Notes on the last day of the conference. For me the highlight was the Dylan Burnette’s talk on sarcomere assembly, something I can directly relate to. Too much good stuff. Giulia Savore The Melusin cardioprotective chaperone tunes lipid metabolism to promote cardiac resilience to stress University of Torino, Italy Melusin one interacts with Integrin-beta one and also with mitochondria. It stimulates compensatory hypertrophy and protects from oxidative stress. Dylan T. Burnette Regulation of ventricular contractility driven atrial ballooning by the alpha actinin family member ACTN4...

February 23, 2024

The New Cardiobiology 2024: Travel Award Poster

For this conference I got lucky and earned the Travel Award for my poster Mechanosensor YAP1 drives myofibril development and maturation in human cardiomyocytes. In case you are interested in learning about the work (Introduction, Conclusions) and about our team, read on. In case you want to see the poster contact me (vladimir.vinarsky (at) or have a look at the preprint of the work at bioRxiv. Image credit: Zuzana Garlikova...

February 22, 2024

Not a real restday

We get up around 8am. Air is chilly, but sun is out to warm everything up soon. To make coffee and tea we get out of a tent on our mats. As it gets warmer we roll off mats on grass to stretch. Pretty soon stretching develops into proper yoga session. Later on we move on to discuss science, biology, and tissue homeostasis in particular. Because it was such a long walk yesterday we decide to do kind of a restday....

July 31, 2023